How to create luck as an athlete

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3 Steps To Create Luck As An Athlete

We are not fully buying into Oxford Dictionary definition of Luck: Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions. 

What is up with that word "apparently?" 

What if luck was something we contributed to creating?

What if like Travis Rice said (a guest during our 4-week Sports Management Mastermind) "luck favors the prepared."

Because that IS something we can buy into. 

So how does an athlete create luck? What preparation we can do to contribute to luck favoring us? 

I would like to introduce you to our R.I.G.A. Method (I am making this up as I go along so humor me for a minute - I've also created a free worksheet for you - see below) 

R stands for Reflect: Reflect on your past season, the last contest, the last trick you tried to learn, the last social media post you created, pitching yourself to your dream sponsor, whatever it is that you put your effort into with the hopes of achieving success. 

I stands for Identify: Identify what worked, what did not work, what did you struggle with, what challenges did you face, what felt good, what clicked, what did you lack, where did you crush it, what was learned. Identify areas such as your mental game (confidence, fear, negative thoughts, stress), physical strength, agility, and endurance, and even who you surrounded yourself with to help you or even who hinders your progress. 

G stands for Goals: Now it is time to set some goals (we know you love this).  Looking at the challenges you faced what can you do differently going forward to turn that challenge into an opportunity? What do you want to learn or improve on?  Looking at what worked, how can implement more of that on a more consistent basis to help you to continue to level up. 

A stands for Action: Now it's time to dive in and write down 1-3 actions you can take/implement/learn to make this goal a reality. What actions are in YOUR control to help you prepare for luck to become a life long friend? Do not make these actions massive instead create baby steps, the small consistent actions and habits you can actually practice , implement, and achieve that compounded over time will yield the greatest results and/or help you grow....i.e. contribute to you creating more luck for yourself! 

So much of creating luck or allowing for luck to favor you starts with what you do off the hill, out of the water, off the course. Again, this is the stuff that separates the good from the great but it calls for athletes to do the work. 

We wanted to help you do this so we created this FREE Sports Management Mastermind Worksheet for you to download and fill out.  



Author: Sue Izzo 

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