Increase Your Chances of Landing a Dream Sponsor

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3 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Getting Sponsored

Landing a top sponsorship deal from your favorite brand as an action sports athlete is dream for many.

And you have heard us say it plenty times before, winning is not enough when it comes to signing with a major brand.

Before you send in your athlete pitch deck asking to get sponsored make sure to take these 3 steps to increase your chances of landing that dream sponsor.

1. Do Your Homework: Make sure to go on the sponsors website and social media and get educated on what their brands mission and values are. There is nothing worse that pitching yourself to a sponsor where what you are all about is not in line with what they stand for, or what they are promoting. Tailor your proposal using key phrases/words from their site (only if you are 1000% down with them) and explain why and how you are a perfect fit. It's not all about you what you bring to the table, its about how your values and brand align with theirs and by how working together you guys can create magic. 

2. Check Your Social Media: One of the first places a sponsor is going to go and check you out is on social media. Make sure your social media platforms are telling the story of you, especially the one you are pitching to sponsors. Sponsors want to see not just you participating in your sport but gain insight to your personality, how you promote other sponsors, what content you put out there and how and if you engage with your followers.  To increase your chances of landing sponsors make sure your social media is on point and potential sponsors can get an idea of how they would be promoted on your channels. 

3. Follow Up and then Follow Up Again: Who told that you would get sponsored the first time you sent in a sponsor me athlete pitch deck? Team managers and marketing directors are BUSY, that is why you need to follow up. But listen closely, it is not just about hounding them with emails and phone calls, think about ways to stand out and be creative in your communication. Send them a clip of you throwing down, ask them what you can do to be considered for sponsorship in the future,  or if you follow them on social media and see something that is going on in their life just send them a friendly note (and don't ask for anything!).  People sponsor people they like, who they see are hard workers, and of course who have talent and are marketable.  Keep showing up, in a friendly, value-adding, I'm a hard worker sort of way! 

The landscape of sponsorship is competitive these days, so learning how to position yourself to stand out is more important than ever. By doing your homework, being true to who you are, working hard, and being consistent and persistent you will find the right sponsors to help you build your dream as a top action sports athlete.


Author: Sue Izzo 

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