Focus on Progress Over Perfection As An Athlete

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Focus on Progress Over Perfection and Win Every Time

Can you please stop setting yourself up to lose before you even compete or try that trick? 

Harsh, huh? 

Well let me explain. After 20+ years of working with action sports athletes I have had a front row seat to defeat, disappointment, self-loathing, and unfortunately fits of anger. This happened when the day did not turn out the way the athlete wanted or envisioned.

When all of the weight was put one possible outcome that would qualify that day as successful. A win.

Because there was not a podium finish, the athletes were blind to the progress that was achieved on that given day.  

Whether it was the fact that they paddled into the biggest waves they ever surfed, or their amplitude was ridiculous on the third hit of the halfpipe where they usually lose speed or that they held they nailed their trick riding switch off the 60 foot kicker.  

No the day was a failure in their eyes because they did not end up on the podium. How dumb is that! 

When we focus on only the outcome of our performance and this idea of perfection we automatically set ourselves up to lose, no matter what the outcome. 

Instead when we shift our mindset to focus and acknowledge our progress we create a domino effect of success for ourselves. 

Focusing on progress above everything else reduces our fear of failure along with feelings of anxiety and pressure. It also increases motivation, healthier self-esteem, and a greater enjoyment of the sport you are participating in. (Trust me when I say, I have seen more athletes lose their love of the sport because they focused on the wrong things!)

As an athlete you are in a constant state of growth and evolution, it is a marathon not a sprint.  Meaning, the progress you focus on are the KEY building blocks to achieving long-term success. This is the stuff that is going to help you grow and evolve, that is one reason why it is important to recognize these moments. 

Also when progress is made, it becomes motivating. These small wins are confidence builders and when confidence grows success follows. So can we please give it up for the small wins! 

When athletes prioritize progress over perfection, they make friends with making mistakes and understand that setbacks are a part of the process. And instead of going into a pity party of "I am a total failure" they look to these challenges as the biggest opportunities to learn from and seek out the lessons to improve upon.  This is an absolute game-changer for an athletes trajectory in sports and life.

Focusing on progress over perfection helps athletes grow, increase motivation and self-esteem, keeps the fun in it, and helps take the anxiety and pressure out of the equation.  So the next time you attempt that new trick, paddle out, or drop in, look for the small wins, seek out the moments of progress, because these are the building blocks to your next level. You got this! 

Author: Sue Izzo 

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